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best fertility clinic louisiana


A little preparation before your first visit goes a long way. If we have your medical records in hand and the completed patient portal forms, we'll be ready to hit the ground running. 


After making your first appointment we'll send you a welcome email confirming the day/time, along with directions to access our patient portal containing the medical forms you'll want to complete prior to your first visit.




10 Days Prior to Your Appointment

Much of the first appointment will be spent reviewing your medical history. If you've had any fertility testing or treatment performed, you and/or your partner must complete and email us your Medical Record Release Form at least 10 days prior to your first appointment/consultation. This is essential to give us time to obtain and review your medical history. You can also bring your medical records/information to your first appointment if you cannot access them beforehand.




  • Complete and email us your Medical Release Form

  • Register with our Patient Portal & complete forms (required prior to seeing the physician):

    • Patient demographics

    • Female History

    • Partner History (if applicable)





fertility treatment center


On the day of your appointment, it's best to arrive 15 minutes before your scheduled appointment time. Patient portal forms must be submitted online prior seeing a physician. Please complete the following for your appointment:


  • Patient Portal Forms 

    • Patient demographics

    • Female History

    • Partner History (if applicable)

  • Medical Records (if you can't access beforehand)

  • Insurance card & coverage info

  • Driver’s license or photo ID

  • Insurance co-payment or self-payment - Payment is due the day of service/appointment. We accept cash, personal check, MasterCard, Visa, American Express or Discover and we also have financing partners.


What to expect at your first fertility appointment

As you meet with Dr. Wells, you and your partner will have the opportunity to ask any questions and address any issues. Fertility concerns are best resolved in consultation with both you and your

partner. It might be recommended that you and your partner have additional medical testing

to help identify the cause of your difficulty getting pregnant.


Particular care will be taken so that only the appropriate tests are conducted, saving both time and expense. If this is the case, we can schedule these during your first visit.


After you have completed your initial consultation, you will meet with our billing support specialist to discuss cost, insurance coverage and possible payment options tailored to your treatment plan. We'll do everything we can to find the best financial solution for your family.


We love keeping up with our tiny graduates! Check out our Facebook page for the latest. 

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